RE 30

In this episode, Paul shares part one his story. Also in this episode, Jon shares how he reached 103 days of sobriety without AA or a 12 step program. He does however, have his own program in place.

This is how Jon has successfully made it to 103 days sober. His program looks like this:

  1. Research – Get online and do research. Jon mentions podcasts and blogs such as AA Speaker Tapes, Bubble Hour and Unpickled, Recovery Radio, AA Wellington, Rich Roll.
  2. Making a decision that it was time to get off the elevator. This decision was made with a lot of list making, discussions with his wife, and soul searching.
  3. Complete shift in habits from drinking to other areas such as healthy eating, meditation, work, community service and other healthy mindless tasks.
  4. Constant reinforcement of why he has quit drinking.


Recovery Elevator Podcast episode 30 was brought to you by Sober Nation.