All of these quotes come from Recovery Reflections and instead of scrolling through and picking my favorite quotes, I went right down the line even if the quote didn’t resonate with me. Quotes in recovery are inscribed inside the walls of our brain when we are serious about sobriety and long term recovery. I say things like “one day at a time”, “you can do this”, “don’t beat yourself up”, to myself several times a day.


“Resistance doesn’t come from doubting the words, it comes from doubting the person using them.” – S



“Validate the newcomer by letting their pain be the biggest thing in the room.” – S

Missed Lesson

“Bad luck is just a missed lesson.” – G

Will Never Hear

“The loudest voice in recovery will be the struggling voice. You will never hear about a perfect recovery.” – J

Own Issues

“Dealing with an addict is going to force you to deal with your own issues.” – Dr. T.


“Failure can teach resilience.” – A

Doing Talks

“There’s a tendency for people to think they are doing the right thing because they’re saying the right thing. This is not true. Doing talks the truth more than saying.” – K

Already Taught

“My kid looks at me and he is already taught.” – D


“Addictions are excuses to not ask for help.” – J

Your Pocket

“There is a time to lend a hand and a time to keep it in your pocket. The smart ones know how to use their pockets.” – P


“Forgiveness understands the last moment is no longer yours.” – J

Harness Faults

“Learn to harness your most devastating faults in a way that lifts up humanity.” – N

A Grudge

“A grudge is a good place to put hurt; It gives it a direction.” – M


“The only thing more motivating than achieving a goal, is not achieving it.” – C

Behavioral Choices

“Don’t confuse a “mental condition” with behavioral choices you use to fill a void.” – L


“An addict will violate their standards quicker than they can lower them.” – R


“Motivation comes from deficits, not strengths.” – Sarge
Jessica with 141 days of sobriety shares her favorites “you might be an alcoholic if” line.
You might be an alcoholic if you have a name for each day of the week relating to alcohol:
Sloppy Sunday
Margarita Monday
Trashed Tuesday
Wasted Wednesday
Trashy Thursday
Effed up Fridays