On my 12 hour journey back home to Colorado for Thanksgiving I recovered. I also felt. I felt feelings. I was disciplined and got outside of my comfort zone. For 60 whole minutes I had the radio off, and my cell phone was on silent in the back seat. I was forced to feel the emotions that were present and simply accept them. This was extremely difficult at first, but with each passing mile, it became easier.

Also on this road trip I listened to several recovery podcasts. One in particular was the Bubble hour which is a panel of 3-4 woman from all parts of the country. I really liked the episodes I heard and these women have great things to share!


This is huge Recovery Elevator. The first Recovery Elevator meetup will be taking place in Seattle on Saturday February 27th, 2016. Details to come. Email info@recoveryelevator.com for more info on this meetup.

This podcast was brought to you by Sober Nation.