In episode 54, Gavin from England shares how he made it too 100 days of sobriety, and his humor in the accountability groups is what gave me the inspiration for this topic.

Ideas for this podcast topic came from an article I read on The Fix and the benefits of laughter are from Help Guide.


You might be an alcoholic if

You Might Be an Alcoholic if!

– if you take a ruck sack with you when you go cycling, so you can buy beer on the way home. You then hide your stash, and drink your first beer in the shower (sometimes your 2nd and 3rd too)! -Gavin

– if you pour vodka into your garden hose for later consumption while your unsuspecting spouse thinks you are out enjoying a day in the yard. – Steve

-if you carefully open a shrink wrapped case of water, empty the bottles, fill them with vodka, and carefully reassemble the case with a heat gun, then check the case of water into your cruise cabin. You then do the same thing with a case of nestea and bourbon… -Doug

-if you take the unfinished bottle of wine out of the skybox at Giant’s stadium by hiding it in your pant leg socks -James

-if you hide your beer and drink it warm in the closet…even when you live alone. -Lindsey
-You might be an alcoholic if you are walking through the streets holding your 7 month grandchild in one arm and a 3rd glass of wine covered up with a napkin in the other – Robin

-if your favorite hobby becomes listening to music while shitfaced in a pitch black bathroom. -Colin
-if you see a homeless guy walk out of the liquor store with a 6 pack of pre-mixes and you think ‘He could have bought more alcohol with the same amount of money by buying straight spirits.’ And then you think ‘Go hard or go home!’ -Dee

-if you regularly invent a new language, that only three other people in the bar with you can speak. -Jon

-if all 20 iBooks you own are about alcoholism and recovery. -James

Feb. 10–An allegedly problematic passenger on board an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 bound from Boston to San Diego last night was removed from the flight after the plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Denver.

Heath Montgomery, spokesman for Denver International Airport, said Denver police and airport security responded to Flight 769, but the disturbance was deemed to be a customer-service matter, and the man was not arrested.

Montgomery said the passenger was not allowed to reboard the jet, which continued on to California.

Passengers told media in Denver the man became agitated when the flight crew told him he could not drink alcohol he’d brought with him and began shouting, “We’re all going to die,” among other threats.

A spokesman for the airline did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Be sure to join the Recovery Elevator Private Accountability Facebook Group.

Come join the ultimate Recovery Elevator meet-up in Peru where we will be volunteering at orphanages with Peruvian Hearts, working with local alcoholics, and why not hike the 38 mile Inca Trail to Machu Picchu while were down there!

Be sure to expand your recovery network in and Seattle on February 27th and San Francisco on March 5th.