In this episode Bill, who has been sober October 22nd 2015, shares how to successfully navigate retirement as an alcohol. Also in this episode how exhausting and potentially dangerous it can be while drinking and traveling. That is when the light bulb for sober travel went off about two weeks.



You might be an alcoholic if


-if you are at Circle K at 6:01 am telling the clerk to open the beer cooler! -Jamie

-if you go to brunch with friends and notice they have a glass of wine each and wonder  “who does that?”  -Maggie

-if you almost buy a bra you could fill with wine/liquor to take on your cruise -Christine
-if you can’t walk past a wine bar without feeling sad and nostalgic. -me


Be sure to join the Recovery Elevator Private Accountability Facebook Group.

Come join the ultimate Recovery Elevator meet-up in Peru where we will be volunteering at orphanages with Peruvian Hearts, working with local alcoholics, and why not hike the 38 mile Inca Trail to Machu Picchu while were down there!