In this episode I talk about the signs of a relapse that occurs WAY before that first drink. Also I interview Douglas Lail, who paints portraits of the faces in recovery and he has created an amazing project called Hello My Name Is.

  •  Routine
    • Sleeping in
    • Schedule
    • Body cycles
  • Diet
    • I constantly need to be aware of what I am eating. I have learned the hard way that it’s as simple as garbage in, garbage out and I mentally land myself in a total fog after not eating right.
      • 3/1 vegetable to fruit ratio
      • Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Hemp Protein, and other essential vitamins
    • Eating fast food
      • Taco Bell and their delicious cinnamon twists. Reece’s Pieces.
    • Missing meetings
      • We all get busy, but I need to keep affirming to myself this is an absolute priority.
    • Not working out
      • Although working out for vanity reasons will get us in shape for a certain season, my motivation for working out is to get the endorphins firing in the brain.
    • Coffee
      • Too much caffeine is a poison to the body and I need to be cognizant of drinking caffeine alcoholically
    • Hanging out with the wrong crowd
      • You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
      • If you spend a lot of time in a garage, you don’t eventually become a car but spending a lot of time with people who constantly include multiple beverages in their evening plans will take it’s toll over time.
    • Nicotine and Chewing Tobacco
      • Yes, that is correct. I am 33 years old and am experimenting with chewing tobacco. Please send me a virtual slap in the face