RE 308: Recovery is Awkward

RE 308: Recovery is Awkward

Niel took his last drink on January 9th, 2020. This is his story of living alcohol free (AF).



Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding Your Better You



A few weeks ago, Odette heard a phrase that she hadn’t heard before and it struck a chord with her. It was different from the usual catch phrases that people use.


“Awkwardness is an indicator of learning”


Do we talk enough about the uncomfortable moments while on this journey? Are we allowing those moments to happen and normalizing them? When the decision to quit drinking is made, awkward moments arise, because we are feeling everything now. When we feel awkward, we feel vulnerable and feeling vulnerable makes most people want to run and hide. Odette phrases this into if/then questions to find a new path. Choosing yourself and living AF is often awkward and that’s ok! Let it feel weird until it doesn’t anymore.




[6:59] Odette introduces Niel.



Niel is 56 and lives in rural North Eastern California. He is a forester. He is married and has two children. For fun he likes to be outdoors. He misses swimming. He plays and builds guitars, any type of woodworking. Biking and hiking he also enjoys.



[10:08] Can you give listeners some background on your story?



Niel said he grew up in family where drinking was part of the culture. He started drinking irresponsibly / binge way in high school. He joined a fraternity in college and drank there as well. After he passed the bar exam in 2004 his drinking began to be problematic. In 2016 he stopped for a year, but then began drinking again in 2017.



[12:27] Tell me more about your year in 2016.


Niel said he talked to friends who were AF before this. He began exploring the idea that he might have a problem. Although he went back to drinking in 2017, he needed to experiment and decide is maybe this time it would be different.



[15:00] Given your level of drinking, how was your day to day?


Niel said he characterized himself as high functioning. However, he did have the repercussions of drinking that much. He found himself waking up feeling “thick” and he was irritable, unable to sleep, his weight was up, his heart was always racing, there were all kinds of manifestations.



[16:39] How were your relationships at home?


Niel said he was more on the irritable side. Emotionally until you pause and look in the mirror you don’t realize how bad you can be. Your actions are all reflections of your wellness.



[20:08] What’s one of your worst drinking memories?


Niel said there’s a highlight tape of horrors in his head. His worst memories are those about missing out on memorable moments in his life. Raising his kids, being around them for their successes. Those memories are foggy and not sharp.



[21:57] Tell me about the beginning of this year.


Niel said the first 3-4 days the cravings were strong towards the end of the day. He kept those at bay by distracting himself. Usually he would go outside and exercise. He replaced the liquid with soda water and lime. His cravings were more nuances. It was more about figuring out the trigger and dealing with those emotions. He’s felt so much better in the past months that it drives him to keep going. Emotionally the peaks and valleys are more manageable. Thinking through his actions and distractions are what works for him.



[26:29] Do you get any push back along the journey?


Niel said he’s received a lot of support from friends and family. There’s a few that don’t understand. It’s a matter of understanding any challenge from a friend, it’s from a place of not understanding or challenging their own drinking.



[28:02] What are a few things you do daily that keep you grounded?


Niel said he’s a very driven person. He wakes early and starts his day with the dogs. His workday is long but when he’s home he focuses on exercise. It allows his mind to detach and reflect on his day and his emotional intelligence. He helps around the house and with dinner and closing down the day. He checks in with Cafe RE at the end of the day and enjoys learning about other people’s journeys. He then starts is over the next day. When he’s traveling he listens to podcasts.



[31:16] Has your sleep improved?


Niel said he now sleeps mostly like the dead. His anxiety is manageable. He remembers his dreams now.



[33:02] Tell me the difference in your journey from 2016 to now.


Niel said he was a dry drunk in 2016. He just stopped drinking rather than trying to fix the why. He didn’t reach out for any tools to help him stop drinking, he didn’t have or seek support. He now listens carefully to other people’s similarities. He focuses on others tools. Niel looks to community now. He tries to laugh more now because humor is a great healer.



[37:28] What is your why?


Niel said a big one is his ability to now remove a large amount of self-inflected stress. He can step back and examine all the taxing moments in his life and move through them now without alcohol. His why has now become his how. His ability to resolve his issues of why he drank is creating the solution to how he’s stopped drinking.



[43:00] What’s your favorite NA drink?


Arnold Palmer or a soda water with lime / a little cranberry.




[44:20] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What would you say to your younger self?

Stop now you dumbass.


  1. What has recovery made possible?

Having memories. Giving himself a renewed lease on life.


  1. What’s your favorite ice cream flavour?

Chocolate, anything with chocolate.


  1. What parting piece of guidance would you give to listeners thinking about ditching the booze?

“If you’re going through hell, don’t stop”

Don’t stay in hell, get out of there. Listen to the similarities, the differences only give us an excuse to keep drinking. Decide and stop.



You may have to say adios to booze if…


your 60 lb labradoodle falls asleep on your chest after you pass out, and you don’t wake up.




Odette’s weekly challenge:


Not only is this journey awkward, it’s also imperfect. We often only see other people’s highlight reels and happy moments. We don’t often see the struggles, the setbacks, the cravings. Keep this is mind.



Upcoming events, retreats and courses:

  • You can find more information about our events


Affiliate Link for Endourage:

For 10% off your first CBD order with Endourage visit this link and use the promo code elevator at checkout. 


Affiliate Link for Amazon:

Shop via Amazon using this link.


The book, Alcohol is SH!T, is out. Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here! You can get the Audible version here!



Connect with Cafe RE – Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee.

Recovery Elevator YouTubeSubscribe here!

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 

Sobriety Tracker Android 

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to  –


“Recovery Elevator – stay awkward and weird, you don’t regret it- I love you guys”

RE 307: 2021-The Year We Say F— You Booze

RE 307: 2021-The Year We Say F— You Booze

Chris took his last drink about 6 years ago. This is his story of living alcohol free (AF).



Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding Your Better You



A few weeks ago, Elle published an article titled “The Year of Drinking Dangerously” which explored how alcohol in 2020 was front and center. Alcohol effects everything in our society and it’s time we got serious and brought these issues to light. Alcohol is a drug that has been glamorized.  2020 taught Odette that she has grit, that she can speak up about things that matter to her, that she doesn’t have to be a people pleaser, to name a few. She is pledging to make 2021 the year where Recovery Elevator changes even more lives through unmasking alcohol. As more and more people are questioning their relationship with alcohol… LETS KEEP GOING.




[7:10] Odette introduces Chris.



Chris is 33 years old, originally from New Jersey and right now lives in Savannah, GA. His career began in finance, as he quit drinking, he transitioned to being a personal trainer. He also began a blog, writing the articles he wished he could have read when questioning his own drinking. This became his website and he now is a alcohol recovery coach and has a podcast related to sobriety. He likes to be physically active. Chris also has two dogs he rescued in 2020.



[16:57] Can you give listeners some background on your story?



Chris started drinking in high school but wasn’t really a partier. He was mostly into swimming and studying. However, when he did go out, he realized he could out drink all his friends. As he moved into an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, he felt like he was living a double life. Alcohol was the opposite of everything he stood for. Looking back he can see that he would have withdrawal symptoms at the age of 20 when he didn’t drink. When he left college and began working, the drinking was now just martinis and more expensive. When he did finally quit, he had to go to detox. Through his research he learned that he had been out of balance with his nutrients which alcohol only exacerbated.



[25:21] How aware were you that alcohol was the problem?


Chris said he was in deep denial, with outbursts of honesty. A story he tells is standing outside a liquor store one morning waiting for it to open while drinking from a bottle of water he had filled with vodka. He thought to himself “this isn’t normal.” Chris felt he was special because of that he needed to drink to deal with people and jobs. Alcohol to him was a performance enhancing drug.



[30:47] Tell me about those first couple months.


Chris said once he admitted to others that alcohol was a problem, he felt some inner peace and relief. He also felt the tug of war in his brain, would this be purgatory and him having to be a saint the rest of his life? Chris took the leap of faith that he would figure out what needed to be done. In rehab he began doing meditation and that opened his eyes to the fact that you can have a fulfilled life away from alcohol. Fueling his body helped him see the world in full color.



[39:35] What are simple tips help you restore your body balance?


Chris said there are two main factors: Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and deficiencies in neurotransmitters. Start with a daily multivitamin and look into amino acid therapy. L Glutamine can be helpful in repairing muscles and gut health. It also turned into glucose in the brain without a spike in blood sugar.

* always speak to your doctor before beginning any regiment.



[44:52] Sleep


Chris said he’s recently read Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. Chris had always had trouble sleeping and he’s now trying to optimize his sleep. He tracks his sleep and tries to get to the bottom of why his sleep pattern might have changed. Chris recommends the power of tea and drinking tea to find a blissed-out state. There’s a whole universe of benign things that can help with the psychological distraction.



[50:39] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What would you say to your younger self?

Don’t drink alcohol.


  1. What has recovery made possible?

Deeper relationships and be present with people.


  1. What’s your favorite ice cream flavour?

Talenti Mediterranean Mint


  1. What book are you reading right now?

Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor


  1. What parting piece of guidance would you give to listeners thinking about ditching the booze?

Try to solidify your support system and figure out how you can confide in. Don’t assume you will feel as bad as you think you will without the alcohol.



You may have to say adios to booze if…


you find yourself outside a liquor store before it opens with a bottle of water refilled with vodka.




Odette’s weekly challenge:


Did you reflect on who you are trying to become? Please don’t shy away from what your heart is telling you that you deserve.


Upcoming events, retreats and courses:

  • You can find more information about our events


Affiliate Link for Endourage:

For 10% off your first CBD order with Endourage visit this link and use the promo code elevator at checkout. 


Affiliate Link for Amazon:

Shop via Amazon using this link.


The book, Alcohol is SH!T, is out. Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here! You can get the Audible version here!



Connect with Cafe RE – Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee.

Recovery Elevator YouTubeSubscribe here!

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 

Sobriety Tracker Android 

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to  –


“Recovery Elevator – Let’s continue to be trail blazers- I love you guys”

RE 306: Who are you Becoming?

RE 306: Who are you Becoming?

Robyn took her last drink on June 30, 2020. With 63 days away from alcohol (at the time of this recording), this is her story of living alcohol free (AF).


Recovery Elevator RESTORE January 2021 Course. We will be offering this starting 1/1/2021. We’re meeting 13 times in January via Zoom to give you the tools and accountability needed for an alcohol-free January… and hopefully more!

We’ll be focusing more on creating a life where alcohol is no longer needed. We’ve found that when we have healthy altruistic relationships with fellow human beings, the need for alcohol or any external substance drastically reduces. For more information and to sign up, use this link.


Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding Your Better You


The last Monday of the year! “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” – Zig Ziglar

This journey isn’t about arriving, it’s about becoming. How much we are willing to put in is what we should celebrate. Your hard work and new habits are what is to be celebrated. No one can take that away from you. What have you noticed about your journey this year? Who did you become this year?



[6:35] Odette introduces Robyn.


Robyn is from Columbia, South Carolina. She lives with her partner and he has two kids they see often. She likes jigsaw puzzles, reading, journaling and meditating. Pre-covid she liked vacations to the mountains.



[9:33] Can you give listeners some background on your story?


Robyn said she started drinking around her senior year of high school. She was shy. When she moved to NC it was a fresh start and to fit in, she drank. It helped her open up and have fun. After some life trials and moving to Columbia she made friends with bartenders and it was still fun drinking. During a relationship with another alcoholic, she noticed her drinking really ramped up. There were lots of times she talked herself out of being an alcoholic. In 2011 Robyn got a DUI. She did quit for a little, but it didn’t stick. After her mother passed away was when Robyn actually noticed it was a problem. She dealt with so much during that time. Robyn’s getting to her last drink came in ebbs and flows over years. There was a definite mental decline that she noticed.



[26:10] How was your emotional state during these times of drinking and then returning to drinking?


Robyn said she stopped beating herself up. It took a while for that overall to stop, but the more she met people and gained community it’s been easier for her to be easier on herself. She’s learned there’s no point in beating yourself up, it won’t help.



[31:06] What do you do when you get a craving?


Robyn said she reaches out. Her partner helps her with the rational side of her thinking. If he’s not available, she will reach out to Café RE or her little DTB group.



[32:43] How has this decision affected other relationships?


Robyn said her boss is also in recovery and he’s a big supporter of her recovery. Her best friend still drinks but is supportive of her choice.



[35:21] Have you been able to identify any triggers?


Robyn said some of her triggers are good things. If she’s having a good day, yard work, outside activities. Her triggers aren’t emotional anymore.



[38:06] Do you have a daily routine?


Robyn said journaling. She’s journaled most of her life and she’s really focused on it during her sobriety. Robyn even noticed that if she takes a break, within a week she’s had a drink. Even when she doesn’t have anything “great” to say, she writes anyway. She tries to include gratitude and she’s begun meditating.



[47:18] Rapid Fire Round


  1. If you could talk to day 1 Robyn, what would you say?

Keep trying, you’re making the right decision, keep going. It will eventually be good.


  1. What are you excited about right now?

Do some sober travel and meet some Cafe RE members.


  1. What are some of your favorite resources on this journey?

Cafe RE, journaling, quit lit and other podcasts, all of them.


  1. What is your favorite NA beverage?

All the sparkling water, if it’s sparkling and it’s water, I want it!


  1. What parting piece of guidance would you give to listeners thinking about ditching the booze?

Give it a try you will never know how good it can feel until you give it a chance. And be easy on yourself.



You may have to say adios to booze if…


you wanted to stock up for quarantine and it only lasts you 4 days.


Odette’s weekly challenge:


Take a few moments to reflect on today’s intro on becoming. Who are you trying to become?

Thank you to each listener!


Upcoming events, retreats and courses:

  • Recovery Elevator RESTORE January 2021 Course. We will be offering this starting 1/1/2021. We’re meeting 13 times in January via Zoom to give you the tools and accountability needed for an alcohol-free January… and hopefully more!
  • You can find more information about our events


Affiliate Link for Endourage:

For 10% off your first CBD order with Endourage visit this link and use the promo code elevator at checkout. 


Affiliate Link for Amazon:

Shop via Amazon using this link.


The book, Alcohol is SH!T, is out. Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here! You can get the Audible version here!



Connect with Cafe RE – Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee.

Recovery Elevator YouTubeSubscribe here!

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 

Sobriety Tracker Android 

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to  –


“Recovery Elevator – Embrace the journey of becoming and Happy New Year- I love you guys”

RE 305: Heal Your Mood

RE 305: Heal Your Mood

Sarah took her last drink on April 22, 2019. With over a year away from alcohol (at the time of this recording), this is her story of living alcohol free (AF).


Recovery Elevator RESTORE January 2021 Course. We will be offering this starting 1/1/2021. We’re meeting 13 times in January via Zoom to give you the tools and accountability needed for an alcohol-free January… and hopefully more!

We’ll be focusing more on creating a life where alcohol is no longer needed. We’ve found that when we have healthy altruistic relationships with fellow human beings, the need for alcohol or any external substance drastically reduces. For more information and to sign up, use this link.


Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding Your Better You


Odette recently received the book Homebody by Rupi Kaur. As Odette looks at her own sobriety as a return to self, this book is very fitting for where she is in her own journey right now. Here’s your permission slip this week: take care of yourself. This time of year can be overwhelming for many. When we are overwhelmed, we may also open the door to fear. Using our tools, we can make life manageable and hold space for everything we are feeling.


list of things to heal your mood:

  • cry it out. walk it. write it. scream it. dance it out of your body.
  • If after all that
    you are still
    spiraling out of control
    ask yourself if sinking into the mud is worth it
  • the answer is no
  • the answer is breathe
  • sip tea and feel your nervous system settle
  • you are the hero of your life
  • this feeling doesn’t have power over you
  • the universe has prepared you to handle this
  • no matter how dark it get
    the light is always on its way
  • you are the light
  • walk yourself back to where the love lives



[6:42] Odette introduces Sarah.


Sarah lives in Wisconsin with her husband and her son and their dog. She is 30 years old and works in marketing. For fun she likes running, reading and crafting. She loves live music as well.



[8:52] Can you give listeners some background on your story?


Sarah said she had her first drink around 14 or 15 years old. Form there she drank almost every weekend and became a party girl. The lifestyle continued into college. She transferred her sophomore year and focused on her health. When she turned 21 it ramped up again. Being in WI the drinking culture is strong. After college she kept partying on the weekend, but the culture of drinking kept her in it. At the age of 26 Sarah had a moment that changed it, she woke up feeling shame. In 2017 she told herself she was only going to drink on special occasions, she made it 60 days without alcohol. At a friends 30th birthday was when she drank again, and it was like old times, up until 4 am drinking. She also found out she was pregnant at the end of March 2017. While pregnant she missed drinking and was ready to get back to it. She found herself turning to alcohol as a reward. Sarah began to see that she wasn’t someone who could just have one, she always went overboard.



[21:30] Has it been cool finding different ways to unwind at the end of the day?


Sarah said she turned her beer fridge into a NA fridge. Her and her husband make mocktails. She turns to something that’s relaxing rather than alcohol to unwind.



[22:59] Talk to me about when you started this journey and being in a relationship?


Sarah said her partner was really supportive. He never said anything about her drinking, but it caused problems when she was drinking. She was worried about their relationship however because they met through partying. He however is someone who supports her no matter what.


[27:31] Did you start using social media as a way to find other sober people?


Sarah said when she was on her moderation journey, she found some accounts that were about being sober. When she got serious, she went back and found them and was amazed at how large the community had grown. Sarah found 1000 Hours Dry and enlisted a friend to do it with her. Sarah helped grow her community through Instagram. She’s co-started New Fashioned Sobriety with some friends she met through Instagram and they plan meet ups (virtual right now!).



[33:39] How was it going to the in person retreat in Bozeman?


Sarah said she was very nervous about going, but also about what her family would think. During the retreat she met and connected with so many people she wouldn’t have otherwise and really emersed herself in the event. Sarah said she came home with new tools and tons of new friends.



[37:52] Do you still get cravings?


Sarah said it’s mostly when she romanticizes her drinking, but for the most part no.



[41:28] Tell me what your most beloved tools in your toolbelt.


Podcasts are #1, this Naked Mind and the community on instgram.



[42:31] What’s your go to response when someone offers you a drink?


No thanks, it makes me feel like shit was her go to in the beginning. Now she normally brings her own so it’s not a conversation!



[43:33] Rapid Fire Round


  1. If you could talk to day 1 Sarah, what would you say?


You life is going to change so much in so many positive ways, you will still be you, you just will have a fuller life.


  1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?


Blue Moon


  1. What book are you reading?


The Sober Lush


  1. What parting piece of guidance can you give people thinking about ditching the booze?


Stop thinking about all the thinking you will lose, but instead focus on the possibilities.



You may have to say adios to booze if…


you black out on Easter Sunday before American Idol premiers at 7pm.


Odette’s parting words:


Love yourself hard this week. We don’t have to drink to escape our feelings. If you need any extra help, please ask for help. You can email Odette.

Together is always better.


Upcoming events, retreats and courses:

  • Recovery Elevator RESTORE January 2021 Course. We will be offering this starting 1/1/2021. We’re meeting 13 times in January via Zoom to give you the tools and accountability needed for an alcohol-free January… and hopefully more!
  • You can find more information about our events


Affiliate Link for Endourage:

For 10% off your first CBD order with Endourage visit this link and use the promo code elevator at checkout. 


Affiliate Link for Amazon:

Shop via Amazon using this link.


The book, Alcohol is SH!T, is out. Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here! You can get the Audible version here!



Connect with Cafe RE – Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee.

Recovery Elevator YouTubeSubscribe here!

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 

Sobriety Tracker Android 

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to  –


“Recovery Elevator – Feliz Navidad- I love you guys”

RE 304: You’re Asking Yourself the Wrong Question.

RE 304: You’re Asking Yourself the Wrong Question.

Kyle took his last drink on May 31 2020. With 82 days away from alcohol (at the time of this recording), this is his story of living alcohol free (AF).

Recovery Elevator RESTORE January 2021 Course. We will be offering this starting 1/1/2021. We’re meeting 13 times in January via Zoom to give you the tools and accountability needed for an alcohol-free January… and hopefully more! 

We’ll be focusing more on creating a life where alcohol is no longer needed. We’ve found that when we have healthy altruistic relationships with fellow human beings, the need for alcohol or any external substance drastically reduces. For more information and to sign up, use this link.

Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding Your Better You

Sometimes we get stuck. When Odette gets stuck, she repeats this simple phrase to herself. “Please help me see things differently.” Being shown the same scenario through a different lens helps to shift the perspective. Different questions help to see things in a new way and get unstuck. If you’re feeling stuck are you asking yourself the wrong questions?

[7:44] Odette introduces Kyle.

Kyle is 33 years old and from Michigan. He is married and has three young daughters. He works in the automotive industry as a program manager. For fun he’s been planning the future with his wife, he also likes gaming and running.

[10:49] Can you give listeners some background on your story?

Kyle said the first time he got drunk was when he was 14, but he didn’t notice a change in his drinking until he was in his 20s. He was taking on a lot at the time and failing a lot at things. He looked to beer to take the edge off which turned into drinking to black out every night. He tried quitting many times and this stretch is the longest he’s gone in 10 years.

[13:37] When did you notice you were using alcohol to cope?

Kyle said he realized this subconsciously early on but was trying to quit on willpower alone. He figured out the price for alcohol and the euphoria it brought was higher than he was willing to pay. Alcohol stopped being enjoyable at the end because he was just chasing something.

[17:25] What happened when you returned from Japan and you realized you couldn’t shake it?

Kyle said rock bottom wasn’t one individual thing. He realized he was letting his wife and kids down often. He would wake up ashamed. During a conversation with his wife, she mentioned a friend who worked with people with addiction issues. Kyle was given some reference material. He found other like-minded people and that’s really what helped him.

[21:23] Tell me about your attempts to stop drinking.

Kyle said he feels like he’s been in a fog for the last 10 years. He had a lot of vision and no energy. Every time he woke up and swore off alcohol, but 3 pm that day he was ready to drink. There was a lot of mental back and forth he experienced. He sees now that was only will power without understanding the science behind it.

[23:23] What was your mental headspace when you were trying to quit?

Kyle said he lacked a lot of self love, so he was frustrated with himself all the time. He had a good façade and came off as confident, but he wasn’t the person he wanted to be internally. 

[24:15] How has this time been different for you?

Kyle said he is seeking help. Also, his family is a big influence about getting sober. He knows he will be there for them.

[25:16] What do you do when you get a craving?

Kyle said he sits with it and he thinks about the morning after, his future and what the drink can lead to.

[27:30] How has staying away from alcohol affected your anxiety & depression?

Kyle said it’s still there, but it’s not as severe. He now knows that drinking wont erase them and he deals with them.

[29:44] What does a day in the life of Kyle look like?

Kyle said it’s mainly juggling his career and his family.

[29:44] What does a day in the life of Kyle look like?

Jason said he makes amends a lot. He gives himself permission to be imperfect and to circle back. He practices and allows room for mistakes to happen. Being compassionate with himself. He also applies the ABCs

[30:10] Do you have any rituals in place to help you deal with cravings?

Kyle said he likes to keep his hands busy. He does see he’s more focused on the things he loves.

[37:16] Have you noticed a difference in your relationship with your wife?

Kyle said his wife really let him do what he needed and didn’t get in the way of him discovering his own path to sobriety. He has thanked her for letting him discover sobriety in his own way. 

[41:20] Do you have any specific routines during the day / morning routine?

Kyle said he used to but now not really. He does try to find time to exercise because it’s a stress release. If he has extra time, read a book. 

[43:43] Have you noticed your sleep has improved?

Kyle said living away from alcohol has improved his sleep. He used to drink to knock himself out. He’s noticed it’s much better now.

 [44:43] Rapid Fire Round

  1. If you could talk to day 1 Kyle, what would you say?

Show yourself a little self love and try to understand the science behind why you drink.

  1. What is your favorite NA beverage?

Coffee, he’s trying to find a good energy drink.

  1. What parting piece of guidance can you give people thinking about ditching the booze?

If you haven’t tried it and you’re thinking about it, just try it. Try to understand it.

You may have to say adios to booze if…

you mention this question to your wife because you’re struggling to come up with an answer and she gives you a list of ten.

Odette’s parting words:

Thank you. After many day 1s, she’s celebrating 2 years sober this week. 

Upcoming events, retreats and courses:

  • Recovery Elevator RESTORE January 2021 Course. We will be offering this starting 1/1/2021. We’re meeting 13 times in January via Zoom to give you the tools and accountability needed for an alcohol-free January… and hopefully more! 
  • You can find more information about our events here.

Affiliate Link for Endourage:

For 10% off your first CBD order with Endourage visit this link and use the promo code elevator at checkout. 

Affiliate Link for Amazon:

Shop via Amazon using this link.

The book, Alcohol is SH!T, is out. Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here! You can get the Audible version here!


Connect with Cafe RE – Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee.

Recovery Elevator YouTubeSubscribe here!

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 

Sobriety Tracker Android 

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to


“Recovery Elevator – Everything that you need is already inside of you- I love you guys”