The Recovery Elevator Blog
When Relapse is Part of Your Story
I saw the following quote about relapse on Instagram the other day. When I first read it I thought, ‘gross!’, and scrolled on. Throughout the day the quote kept coming back to me though...perhaps because I have 3 dogs that are often doing gross things. But the more...
Bring Your Own Mocktail – Alcohol-Free Tom Collins
This past weekend I had the chance to teach some mocktails for the Dry July Restore class hosted by Recovery Elevator. The Sunday classes are a little check in and are meant to be fun. And what’s more fun than making some NA drinks?! For the class we made 3 drinks and...
7 Things I Don’t Miss About Drinking
There was a time that I was afraid to stop drinking. I was afraid that I would fail. I was scared about removing something from my life that had been a part of my life for over 30 years. I thought drinking made me by quitting I would be boring. I...
Bring Your Own Mocktail – Alcohol-Free Strawberry Mojito
Hi! I’m Kate and I’m here to give you the mocktail content you didn’t know you needed or wanted. Every other month I’ll be here with a new recipe for you to try. Back in my drinking days I was a huge fan of cocktails. You name it, I drank it. It might have been that I...
“Sober” VS “In Recovery”
“I’m sober.” “I’m in recovery.” Two statements that very often get interchanged. If you think they mean the same thing, think again. There is a distinct difference. Being sober is very different from being in recovery. You can be one or the other...or you...
Counting Your Days of Sobriety
Do you keep count of your days of sobriety? Do you keep track of how many days you have away from alcohol? ? Should you? People fall into one of two different camps when it comes to that question. One camp says yes...keeping track and counting your days...
The Power of Nature
Nature. I can get lost in it. It’s where I can recharge my soul. And it’s one of my most used tools in my recovery toolbox. I feel better when I spend time outdoors. And when you feel better you are less likely to ‘relapse’. BONUS! One of the great...
5 Ways to Create More Peace in Your Life
I stopped making New Year Resolutions a few years ago. As positive, excited and motivated they would make me feel at the start of the year...oftentimes those very same resolutions would bring me down later in the year. It wouldn't be long and I would feel like a...
Sober COVID Holidays
A layered cake. That’s what I picture when I think about the next couple months. The bottom layer is the upcoming holiday season. And during a ‘normal’ year the holiday season can be stressful because… ...because of feeling overwhelmed, not getting everything on...
Burn the Ships! ?⛵️
In the year 1519, Hernán Cortés, a Spanish conquistador, arrived in the New World with six hundred men and, upon arrival, ordered his men to, ‘burn the ships’. ?⛵️ His logic behind this wasn’t to go down in the history books as the conquistador loco that ordered his...