Sobriety Souvenir

Today’s blog entry is from Katherine D.  Katherine is a member of Café RE. Sobriety Souvenir By: Katherine D “It's that little souvenir, of a terrible year, which makes my eyes feel sore” The music...

The Recovery Elevator Blog

Time To Take Charge

Time To Take Charge

As much as we learn “Let Go” in recovery we must learn to grab a hold of life by the,..well...grab life by the horns I guess. That’s what I’m focused on today - The Right Now-ness of Life. There have been plenty of days where I just la-de-da’d my way through “wearing...

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Six Days Straight

Six Days Straight

  During Paul’s Recovery Elevator podcast interviews, he often asks about our first 24, 36 or 48 hours of sobriety. Where were we? How did was pass time? Did we experience detoxification in a safe environment, or did we survive on our own root desire and...

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Struck Drunk – The Myth

Struck Drunk – The Myth

*Alcoholics Anonymous works for me. The fellowship and my personal program, are what has kept me sober for nearly 10 months. I have a “home group” and attend a daily meeting, or sometimes two meetings per day. Recently, I stepped out of my comfort zone and attended a...

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The Bottom Floor

The Bottom Floor

To reach the lowest or worst point of something; to descend to the lowest point possible, after which only an increase is possible; to reach a level that is as low as it will be.  Hitting bottom is as personal and individual as the God we pray to, or the spirituality...

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