RE 257: I Quit Drinking, Now What?

RE 257: I Quit Drinking, Now What?

Bianca took her last drink on October 3, 2018.  This is her story.

Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here!

Registration is now open for the 2020’ Recovery Elevator LIVE event, Dancing with the Mind.  The event will take place June 11-13 in Denver, CO.  You can find more information about our events here.

On today’s episode Paul talks about the process of rediscovering what you like to do, after ditching the booze, and to let it happen organically.  He encourages you to engage in activities where you find yourself in a ‘flow state’, or ‘in the zone’.    Instead of focusing on new hobbies and fun activities, try to find things where you almost lose yourself.


[7:30] Paul introduces Bianca. 


Bianca is 22 years old and is from Austin, TX.  She recently graduated from college and is working for a temp agency while she looks for that full time job.  Bianca lives with her girlfriend.  For fun Bianca spends her time reading and in nature.


[13:40] Give us a background on your drinking.


Bianca didn’t really drink while in high school, but in college she went wild.    She tried to moderate during her freshman year by documenting everything she did that involved alcohol.  That didn’t work.  The following year, 2016, she started doing drugs along with drinking.  Bianca does not remember much from her junior year.  By the beginning of her senior year (2018) she had a lot of things on her plate and her drinking was still up there.


Bianca says she had a lot of little rock bottoms that finally accumulated into her big rock bottom, which happened on October 3.


[17:40] What happened on October 3? 


Bianca and some friends went out to get something to eat.   What started out as just one drink escalated to the point that one of her friends took her wallet away from her.  They went to a liquor store after that, and Bianca ended up at home, alone, taking shots.  She met up with her friends a little later, still sneaking double shots.   Bianca stumbled home and after mixing more drugs with the alcohol she passed out.   The following morning she woke up hating herself.


[25:00] What was that first month like?


On October 4th Bianca texted the hotline and did what they told her to do, she got rid of her booze and hid her drugs.  She says the first few days and nights were tough.  She would come home from class and cry.  She was having intense nightmares and the shakes.  She now feels like she gets a clarity upgrade every 3 months.


[28:10] What was is like getting sober at 22?    


Bianca says she actually got sober at 21 and celebrated her 22nd birthday sober.   She says it was hard, that there is a big drinking culture in Austin, TX.


[32:00] What was harder, coming out as gay, or as someone with a drinking problem??


Bianca says both were hard.  She came out as gay at a very young age.  The hard part about telling someone she had a problem with drinking was the shame she felt.


[33:20] What are you working on right now?


Bianca says she is really working on her self-worth and showing up for herself.


[36:20] Have you ever explored why you drank?


Bianca said she has explored that with her therapist.  She says growing up her family fell into the victims, of victims, of victims.  She wasn’t taught very good coping skills.


[39:20] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What’s a lightbulb moment you’ve had on this journey?


That I’m responsible for my recovery and nobody else.


  1. What is a memorable moment that a life without alcohol has given you?


The ability to really feel my emotions and to be surprised.


  1. What is your favorite alcohol-free drink?




  1. What are some of your favorite resources on this journey?


Definitely my sponsor, for sure.  Meetings and AA literature.


  1. What is on your bucket list in an alcohol-free life?


Travel overseas sober.


  1. And what parting piece of guidance can you give to listeners?


I would tell you all to slow down, as slow as you can go, and to feel your emotions.


You might need to ditch the booze if…


You buy over $200 worth of alcohol and it is confiscated within 3 days by a good friend.



Upcoming Events and Retreats.

Recovery Elevator LIVE: Dancing with the Mind – in Colorado – June 11-14th, 2020

Recovery Elevator in Costa Rica: From Jungle to the Beach – October 8 – 18th, 2020

You can find more information about our events here.


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Visit and join the over 500,000 people talking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Recovery Elevator listeners get 10% off your first month at



Get two months of premium membership for free at

That’s two whole months of unlimited access to thousands of classes for free.



Connect with Cafe RE– Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY for your first month free

Sobriety Tracker iTunes

Sobriety Tracker Android

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to


“Recovery Elevator – It All Starts from the Inside Out.  We can do this.”




RE 255: Does Addiction Serve a Purpose?

RE 255: Does Addiction Serve a Purpose?

Kerri took her last drink on November 6, 2018.  This is her story.

Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here!

Happy New Year!  On January 1st the 4th Café RE group, UP, opened.

2020’ Recovery Elevator LIVE event, Dancing with the Mind, will take place June 11-13 in Denver, CO.  Registration opens on January 8th, you can find more information about our events here.

On today’s episode Paul talks about meeting the man he would stay with while in Mexico, hearing his story, and discovering they had a connection through the TEDx Talk that Paul gave.  You can find the TEDx Talk, I’ve been duped by alcohol, here.

Paul also discusses a video he recently watched, an interview by Dr. Gabor Mate, (author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts).  Dr. Mate says if you want to look at what causes the addiction you have to look at the benefit of addiction.  That the greatest myth on addiction is that its genetic, the other myth around addiction is that it is a choice that people make.  You can watch the Dr. Gabor Mate video here.


[10:14] Paul introduces Kerri.  (**Doing the shownotes for my own interview is awkward! **) 


Kerri just turned 50, is married, and lives in Redding, CA.  She has two adult daughters, that both have families, and is a grandmother to 4.  For work Kerri recently fell into a new career, as a baker, and does stuff for RE.  For fun Kerri loves to be outdoors, hiking, taking her 3 rescue dogs out, travel, and kayaking.


[15:51] Give us a background on your drinking.


Kerri started drinking in high school and was a black out drinker from the start.  A family move before 9th grade made Kerri very angry.  Alcohol helped her fit into a new school and she quickly became known as a partier.

Kerri got married at 19, had her daughters right away.  She says that her and her ex-husband were problem drinkers throughout their entire 17-year marriage.  Kerri’s drinking really ramped up after her divorce.


[17:00] How old were you when you realized you had a problem with alcohol? 


Kerri says that in high school she knew she didn’t drink like her friends, but that she didn’t care.  Alcohol got her out of her shell.


[18:00] What happened after your divorce?


Kerri says her drinking ramped up and it got bad, really quick.  It was a big life change for Kerri, with the divorce, having to go out and find a job, and her daughters basically being out of the house.  She was drinking at home alone, blacking out every time.


[23:35] How come you didn’t feel ready to do this interview?    


Kerri said she didn’t feel like she had anything worth sharing.  She said that has felt that way all her life.


[26:23] Did you have a rock bottom moment?


Kerri said yes.  After getting her teaching credential later in life, which Kerri says was a dream job, she was fired from two teaching jobs as the result of her drinking.  Kerri surrendered her teaching credential.


[31:00] Talk to us about how you did it the first weeks, first month.


Kerri said it was really hard, that she didn’t know what anyone (co-workers, parents) was told or what they knew.  Kerri was afraid to leave her house for fear of running into someone, she would grocery shop at 2:00 AM.  She said she was filled with so much anxiety that she didn’t know how she was going to come out of it the 2nd time around.  She went to a therapist for the first time.  She sought out and entered into a 90-day IOP program.


[35:17] You’ve burned the ships on social media, what kind of response have you received?


Kerri said she has received nothing but support and encouragement, and she encourages everyone to do it.


[37:50] Talk to us about the breakthrough you had at the Bozeman retreat. 


Kerri said she got much from the entire retreat but it was the Clarity Breathwork that really did it for her.  She said once she was able to stop paying attention to what was going on around her and just do her thing, she was able to experience something powerful that changed her.


[44:38] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What’s a lightbulb moment you’ve had on this journey?


That I don’t have to live up to, what I think are, other people’s expectations.


  1. What is a memorable moment that a life without alcohol has given you?


All these RE retreats, that is something I never would have imagined doing…taking off and meeting strangers.


  1. What is your favorite alcohol-free drink?


I’m kind of boring, I really don’t do the mocktail thing, I’m a water drinker.


  1. What are some of your favorite resources on this journey?


Definitely Café RE, these sober meetups, retreats and I listen to a lot of podcasts.


  1. What is on your bucket list in an alcohol-free life?


Travel, travel, and more travel.  I want to do a marathon.


  1. And what parting piece of guidance can you give to listeners?


To recover, get sober, whatever you want to call it, your way.  Your way may be different than someone else’s, and to not worry about what other people think.


You might need to ditch the booze if…


You wake up one morning with a broken ankle and you have no idea how you did it.


Upcoming Events and Retreats.

Asia Adventure – January 20-31, 2020

Recovery Elevator LIVE: Dancing with the Mind – in Colorado – June 11-14th, 2020

Recovery Elevator in Costa Rica: From Jungle to the Beach – October 8 – 18th, 2020

You can find more information about our events here.


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Get two months free of classes with Skillshare at


Visit and join the over 500,000 people talking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Recovery Elevator listeners get 10% off your first month at


For two free months of premium membership visit

Connect with Cafe RE– Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY for your first month free

Sobriety Tracker iTunes

Sobriety Tracker Android

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to


“Recovery Elevator – It All Starts from the Inside Out.  We can do this.”

RE 254: You Are What You Think

RE 254: You Are What You Think

Justin took his last drink on November 5, 2018.  This is his story.

Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here!

On January 1st, 2020 the 4th Café RE group will open.

2020’ Recovery Elevator LIVE event, Dancing with the Mind, will take place June 11-14 in Denver, CO.  You can find more information about our events here.

On today’s episode Paul talks about manifestation, how you basically create your future with your thoughts.  We all do it, most often unconsciously.

What is, and isn’t, possible isn’t your business, it’s nature’s business.  Your business is to thrive towards what you want; sobriety, the why.  To create what you want it must be clear in your mind, stay the course, make a commitment to this clear and coherent goal of quitting drinking.

If you don’t know what you truly want, seek love and connection in the mind with thoughts.  Those two alone will blast through addiction.


[14:25] Paul introduces Justin. 


Justin lives in Santa Cruz, CA.  He is a musician and has been playing music for about 22 years.  He is 31 years old.


[17:27] Give us a background on your drinking.


Justin says he got introduced to drugs and alcohol around the age of 16.  He says he always wanted just a little bit more than everyone else, and then he started mixing up the drugs and alcohol at the same time.


Shortly after graduating high school Justin’s mother passed away and that sent him down a spiral.  He started to really abuse drugs and alcohol, waking up sick every morning and hardly able to function.  He realized that he needed to get help or he was going to die.


[19:00] How old were you when you realized you needed to get help? 


Justin says it was around the age of 24 that he first really realized it, but that it wasn’t until the age of 27 that he really that he had thoughts of really quitting.   At 27 Justin realized he had to stop, and that he couldn’t stop.


[19:43] What happened then?


One of Justin’s friends told him about the plant medicine ayahuasca.   Justin felt like he had to options, rehab or try the plant medicine.  He signed up for an ayahuasca ceremony.


Within a couple hours of drinking the plant medicine the first night Justin says he had a life changing experience.  He was taken right to his mother’s death and says she was there with him, holding him.  After that experience that night Justin completely quit everything and was sober for 16 months.


[23:20] What sneaky ideas did the thinking mind put in your head at 16 months?    


It was New Year’s Eve and Justin had the thought that he would just drink a couple drinks that night, and go back to his sobriety the next day.  What happened is he got black out drunk, doesn’t remember the night, and woke up sick.


[24:38] How long did you go back out for, and what brought you back?


Justin said he went back out for 7 months, and then he did another ayahuasca ceremony, which brought him back.  At the time he felt that he needed the plant medicine to bring him back, but now he’s learning he can access that state of consciousness with yoga and meditation.


[26:15] Get us up to speed to your sobriety date.


There very last night Justin drank he told himself that he needed to stop.  He started the night saying he would just drink one pint.  The one pint led to at least 10 more drinks and Justin found himself getting kicked out of the bar.  He got in his car, blacked out drunk, and sped away to the gym he goes to.  He walked into the gym with a 12 pack of beer, went to the locker room and started chugging them, and puking in the lockers.  Justin made a big scene and many other members were complaining about him.  He was asked to leave the gym, or they were calling the cops.  At the end of this night Justin woke up naked, covered in puke, in a bush in his yard, not remembering anything.


[35:39] Talk to us about how you did it?


Justin said he called a therapist the next morning, to talk about rehab.  He was going to at least one AA meeting a day the first couple weeks.  He still goes to a meeting about once a week, but doesn’t feel that meetings help him as much as meditation and yoga.  Justin says a recent meditation cruise was the best trip of his life.


[42:25] Talk to us about meditation. 


Justin says he feels that his alcohol abuse was led by feeling there was a hole, or emptiness, that he wanted to fill, or that he wasn’t enough.  He wanted to cover up all those thoughts with alcohol.  But now, he’s learned, that instead of covering up the thoughts he doesn’t want, to create the thoughts he does.


[52:30] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What’s a lightbulb moment you’ve had on this journey?


To love myself.


  1. What is a memorable moment that a life without alcohol has given you?


Meeting all these amazing people that are connected to the heart.


  1. What is your favorite alcohol-free drink?


Probably water, honestly.


  1. What are some of your favorite resources on this journey?


Plant medicine and YouTube.


  1. What is on your bucket list in an alcohol-free life?


Creating more music to help people heal.


  1. And what parting piece of guidance can you give to listeners?


I would say to spend more time connecting to your heart and spirit.


You might need to ditch the booze if…


You’re waking up naked, outside your house, on two hits of acid.


Upcoming Events and Retreats.

Asia Adventure – January 20-31, 2020

Recovery Elevator LIVE: Dancing with the Mind – in Colorado – June 11-14th, 2020

Recovery Elevator in Costa Rica: From Jungle to the Beach – October 8 – 18th, 2020

You can find more information about our events here.


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Connect with Cafe RE– Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY for your first month free

Sobriety Tracker iTunes

Sobriety Tracker Android

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to


“Recovery Elevator – It All Starts from the Inside Out.  We can do this.”


We regretfully inform you that we are canceling our upcoming event in Denver at the Hilton Garden Inn, March 31st – April 2nd, 2022. If you have registered for this event, we will be canceling and refunding all orders (estimated return of funds: 7-10 days). We...
RE 250: Is Sobriety all Unicorns and Rainbows?

RE 250: Is Sobriety all Unicorns and Rainbows?

Dee took her last drink on January 17, 2019.  This is her story.

Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here!

On January 1st, 2020 the 4th Café RE group will open.

There will be 2 in-person meetups in Australia this December.  If you would like more info or would like to RSVP please email

On today’s episode Paul talks about PAWS, or what he refers to as ‘healing symptoms.  You can find a YouTube video on these healing symptoms, or PAWS, here.  This period of experiencing these healing symptoms usually lasts anywhere from 3 – 6 months, but could last a little longer.

You have 2 choices.  The 1st choice is to keep drinking.  With this choice there will be a painful progression and whatever emotions and physical repercussions you’re experiencing now will only be enhanced in time.

The 2nd choice is to quit drinking and embark on the most heroic journey.  This choice gives you options, and you don’t have to decide today.


[14:50] Paul introduces Dee. 


Dee is 50 years old and recently moved to Albuquerque, NM.  She works as a purchaser for the Federal Government.  For fun Dee enjoys walking, hiking, biking, and meeting up with her fellow sober peeps.


[17:20] Give us a background on your drinking.


Dee was first introduced to alcohol by her parents as a child during the holidays.  With high school came beer.  Between high school and the age of 21 Dee really didn’t do much drinking.  21 years old rolls around and Dee got really good at drinking and socializing.  Alcohol seemed to fix her feelings of not being enough.  Always a tomboy Dee felt the guys didn’t really take an interest in her so the alcohol helped her become more flirtatious.

At the age of 25 Dee became, what she called, a pro at drinking.  Dee’s dad got sick and passed, this prompted her to switch from drinking beer to hard liquor, thinking this would stop her from becoming an alcoholic.  A month later Dee’s husband died.  Dee says she dove into the booze at this time and continued to drink heavily for years.


[23:15] Do you feel that you properly grieved?


Dee says she did not, that she didn’t know how to properly grieve.  Alcohol helped her get through this time in her life, when she was in so much pain she didn’t want to live.  It allowed her to sleep and it allowed her to manage getting up every day.


[25:25] What role did alcohol play in your 30s and 40s? 


Dee was living in Florida and back to drinking “normal”.  At 33 Dee moved to Atlanta and decided she needed to quit drinking, so she did.  She quit for 7 months.  She started going to AA, and although she didn’t feel it was for her she continued to go because that is what she knew to do at the time.


After an offer of some free Dom Pérignon, Dee began drinking again.  Fast forward to when Dee first joined Café RE.  This was when her drinking really started to escalate, in 2018.  Dee was in an unhappy marriage and although she didn’t want to drink, she couldn’t stop.  Dee first joined Café RE in June 2018 and then thought she had her drinking under control and could moderate.  She quit RE and drank for another 4 months before rejoining in January 2019.


[31:50] Was there an emotional rock bottom?


Dee says she fought with God, her higher power, over this for 25+ years.  She says it was exhausting having one foot in church and one foot doing the drinking thing.  So, Dee made the decision to face life without the alcohol.


[38:15] You’re entering the scary and uncomfortable area in life, called the unknown, how is this going?


Dee says it is going well and she is not afraid.


[39:40] Has there been cravings?


Having the mindset that drinking is not an option has helped Dee.  Dee has a lot of options to reach out to people when she needs to, and she uses them.  Connection and community are key.  Dee is slowly building connections locally, in a healthy way.


[41:50] What is something that you learned at the RE Bozeman Retreat that you can implement in your journey?


Dee says the meditation and the breathwork were the two big things for her, they have helped her slow down and stay in the present.


[45:00] What are your thoughts on relapse? 


Dee says she hates that word.  That is breaks her heart when she sees people posting that they have relapsed, and not because she thinks less of them, but because she knows how hard it is to pick yourself back up and stack days.


[47:15] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What’s a lightbulb moment you’ve had on this journey?


You can do it.


  1. What is a memorable moment that a life without alcohol has given you?


Nashville and Bozeman.


  1. What is your favorite alcohol-free drink?


Waterloo Sparkling Water, Mango flavored.


  1. What are some of your favorite resources on this journey?


Well, the number one is Café RE.


  1. What is on your bucket list in an alcohol-free life?

Writing a book.


  1. And what parting piece of guidance can you give to listeners?


Believe in yourself.


You might need to ditch the booze if…


You are in Ireland, flying solo, and you walk into a bar in Dublin, and there’s all guys.  One of the guys proposes to you, puts his ring on your finger, you go to the restroom and the ring falls off in the toilet, you have to fish it out, and you have to break up with him.


Upcoming retreats:

Asia Adventure – January 20-31, 2020

RE LIVE in Colorado – June 11-14th, 2020

You can find more information about this event here


Resources mentioned in this episode:



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