The Recovery Elevator Podcast
RE 127: Being Present in the Moment Without Alcohol
Rule Number One of podcasting is plug in the microphone. Pete, with 488 days of sobriety shares his story. SHOW NOTES [2:19] Paul Introduces Pete. I am 38 years old, and golfing is my favorite leisure activity. I have an 8-year-old daughter and a...
RE 126: The Most Effective Way to do it… is to do it
“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” - Amelia Earhart Paul discusses his difficulties in quitting smoking, and it’s parallels to quitting drinking. Alcohol is not your friend. Stop drinking cold turkey, and don’t try to a taper off strategy. Rip the...
RE 125: Focus on the Action and Not the Results
Paul discusses the webinar, which took place in Café Re, and focused on why taking action is so hard. It’s much better to focus on the action and not the results. We are definitely in a results oriented society. Focus on the journey and not the destination. ...
RE 124: It Helps To Talk About It
Garrett, with 16 days since his last drink, shares his story SHOW NOTES [ 9:15 ] Paul Introduces Garrett. I’ve had stretches of sobriety, I had 14 months, and I’ve had 3 years. I live in Southern California, in Santa Clarita. I work in outside sales,...
RE 123: The Drunkest Cities in America
Mary, with 3 years since her last drink, shares her story…. We all think that the cities we live in should be on the “Nations Drunkest Cities” list. The state of Wisconsin wins the prize for the largest number of cities on this list. Listed below are a few of the...
RE 122: Lessons Learned From a Weekend With Drunk People
Becky, with 10 months since her last drink, shares her story………… What I learned after spending the weekend with 12 other people at a lake house: People did not care that I was not drinking People were appreciative to have a designated driver Drunk people have the...
RE 121: Recovery Can be Confusing
Dan, with 27 years since his last drink, shares his story…… The new Café RE Blue has been launched. This face book group will cap @ 200. If you would like to join, go to Enter the promo code 1month to get the first month for free. Getting...
RE 120: Another One Joins Team Sobriety
Jason, with 4 years since his last drink, shares his story……………. Sign up now, there are only 3 spots left for the RE Retreat in Bozeman, MT ( Paul reviews the GQ interview with Brad Pitt. Pitt states that he was boozing too much and learned...
RE 119: The 13th Step
Kari, with 4 years since her last drink, shares her story………………. Café RE is now on a waitlist to join. Once the list gets to approximately 30-40 people, another group will be formed. To be placed on the waitlist, go to and click on the Café...
RE 118: The Black Dog
Steph, with 6 months since her last drink, shares her story Café RE is now on a waitlist to join. Once the list gets to approximately 30-40 people, another group will be formed. To be placed on the waitlist, go to and click on the Café RE...
RE 117: Alcohol Does Not Bolster Intelligence
Ashley, with 16 days since her last drink, shares her story….. Do not forget the AALRM race in Bozeman MT, on 5/20. This supports recovery. You can also sign up to do a virtual run at\run. Enter promo code “recovery” for a discount. The Café...
RE 116: Duped by Alcohol
Laura, with 41 days since her last drink, shares her story……. Do you ever feel duped by alcohol? Throughout high school, we were all told to “just say no” to drugs but not much was ever said about alcohol. The reality is that only 1 in 10 people with an alcohol...
RE 115: Big Alcohol
Julie, with 92 days sober, shares her story……… Big alcohol companies like to blame the individual rather than the poison that they sell. The liquor industry spends millions of dollars on advertisements that tell us we should drink responsibly. If we do not drink...
RE 114: Genetic Predispositions to Alcohol
Coral, with 7 months since her last drink, shares her story…… Do we have to say it again? Let’s drop the stigma regarding addiction. The research shows that alcoholics have a genetic predisposition towards alcohol. It is not a character defect, nor a moral...
RE 113: Healthcare, Alcohol, and Addiction
Michael, with 32 years since his last drink, shares his story. In a recent CNN interview with Jeremy Broderick, he talks about how the GOP replacement plan for Obamacare makes things worse for the addict. Many treatment plans were covered under Medicaid as well as...