The Recovery Elevator Podcast
RE 97: Cognitive Dissonance | Your Addiction Lying to You in Your Own Voice
Bubba, with 1 year since his last drink, shares his story SHOW NOTES Cognitive dissonance = the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. “First they ignore you, than they laugh...
RE 96: The Relationship Between Food and Alcohol Cravings
Wynn, with 28 years of sobriety, shares his story... SHOW NOTES Tis the season to be jolly and sober….. What are the differences between food cravings and alcohol cravings? Our gut sends signals that tell us to eat. We can only go 14 days without food and 80% of our...
RE 95: I Can’t Quit Drinking Because Alcohol is my Identity
Melissa has been sober for 1 month… This is her story... SHOW NOTES It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. Many of us believe that we cannot quit drinking. “I am the life of the party, that’s just who I am!” (I bet the crowd around us would beg to...
RE 94: Alcohol Abuse Isn’t a Character Issue? You Don’t Say…
John has been sober for 17 years. Adrianne has been sober for 11 years. This is their story... SHOW NOTES According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), addiction is a brain disorder, not a behavioral problem. This is nothing new so why are we still...
RE 93: Alcohol and Why Some Descend Faster Than Others
Stephanie has been sober for 5 years... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES Why do some go down the path...
RE 92: How Alcohol Played a Part in the Presidential Election
The article from called How Half Of American Lost Its F^*%cking Mind. The article from the Atlantic Middle-Aged White Americans Are Dying of Despair [9:21] Paul introduces Sara Sara has been sober for 5 months and 10 days, or a total of 163 days. Sara is...
RE 91: 15 Ways to Stay Sober Over the Holidays
Sasha has been sober for just over 5 years... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES 12 ways to help you...
RE 90: Why Being a Dry Drunk and Using Will Power Doesn’t Work.
Christine has been sober for 129 days... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES What is a dry drunk? It is...
RE 89: Rehab vs No Rehab and Success Rates?
Zach has been sober for 3.5 years... This is his story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES "You gotta get through it to...
RE 88: If We Drink Alcohol Again, It’s Like We Never Stopped and Why
Val has been sober for 6 months... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES If you drink enough alcohol over...
RE 87: Why Alcohol Eventually Stops Working
Kenny has been sober for 1 & 1/2 years... This is his tale... Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE and get your daily AA email here!...
RE 86: I Got This | The Three Most Dangerous Words an Alcoholic Can Say
Jenny has been sober for 13 months... This is her tale... Resources mentioned in RE 86: Connect with Cafe RE For $12.00 per month, you can have unlimited, private access to groups of like-minded people via in-person meet-ups, unsearchable Facebook groups, and travel....
RE 85: Do You Have a Drinking Problem Part II
John has been sober for 5 years... This is his story... Resources mentioned in this episode: Connect with Cafe RE For $12.00 per month, you can have unlimited, private access to groups of like-minded people via in-person meet-ups, unsearchable Facebook groups, and...
RE 84: Lean Into Those Uncomfortable Emotions in Sobriety
Elaine has been sober for 15 days… This is her story... Resources mentioned in this episode: Connect with Cafe RE For $12.00 per month, you can have unlimited, private access to groups of like-minded people via in-person meet-ups, unsearchable Facebook groups, and...
RE 83: Keeping Expectations Realistic in Sobriety
Kendall has been sober for 130 days… Here’s his story... Resources mentioned in this episode: Connect with Cafe RE For $12.00 per month, you can have unlimited, private access to groups of like-minded people via in-person meet-ups, unsearchable Facebook groups, and...