Aaron took his last drink October 6, 2019.  This is his story.

If you have ever wanted to attend a Recovery Elevator event you should get yourself to Denver in June for the Recovery Elevator LIVE: Dancing with the Mind – June 11-14th, 2020.  This event will be, essentially, the closeout event for Recovery Elevator.  You can find more information about our event here.

On today’s episode Paul talks about it being possible for things to coexist in your life, you can feel calm and accomplished while you still have things to do.  It is important to recognize both parts equally.  When you are in the middle of a tough emotion you can chose to ride it out on the surface, which would be the mind, or deep down, which would be the belly area of the body.  Do you best to get out of the mind and stay in the belly, preferably with belly breaths.


[13:00] Paul introduces Aaron. 


Aaron is 54 years old and lives in Pittsburgh, PA.    He is a chiropractor and loves health, fitness and exercise.  Aaron has a 65-acre farm and plays rugby.


[17:50] Give us a background on your drinking.


Aaron didn’t drink until his dad passed away from heart failure when Aaron was a junior in college.  His friend left some wine coolers at his house and he decided to give them a try and he liked the way they made him feel.  He continued to drink through college and alcohol made him the life of the party.


Aaron moved to Florida after graduation, he was 21 years old and had a teaching degree.  He was only drinking on the weekends at this time and started playing rugby.  He says drinking and rugby go hand in hand.


Aaron graduated from chiropractor school and continued to only drink on the weekends.  This was his drinking pattern through his 30s and 40s.  It was in his late 40s that he realized that he hadn’t gone a week without drinking, even if it was only on the weekends.  He thought he might have an issue with alcohol but he didn’t think it was a big deal.


[29:55] Talk to us about how you tried to hide it before you fully got on board on stopping. 


Aaron says that this went on for years.  He was hiding beers in cereal boxes.  He was waking up in the middle of the night with pounding headaches.  Aaron said his wife started to notice what he was doing and started to call him out.  He started getting sick and having headaches after just 2 beers.


[33:33] Get us up to speed to before your sobriety date. 


Aaron says in 2018 he stopped drinking for 6 months, but then at a bar one night said, “I got this.”, and had an IPA.   That started another year of drinking for Aaron.  In October of 2019 he said he has got to stop (drinking) and that time he meant it.


[39:22] What has been working for you these last few months?


Aaron said he listened to the Recovery Elevator podcast.  He told his wife and kids.  Aaron has started to tell other people that he just isn’t drinking anymore.


[42:05] What has been the biggest thing you have learned about yourself along the way?


Aaron says he thinks he saw himself as being compulsive and having a problem and then thinking he can break the problem.


[47:40] What got you through your brother’s death without taking a drink? 


Aaron said he had no desire to drink at all, he knew that his brother’s death was caused by alcohol.  He no longer has a mental or physical desire for alcohol.


[51:30] Rapid Fire Round


  1. What’s a lightbulb moment you’ve had on this journey?


When I saw my kids drinking and having problems that I had.


  1. What is a memorable moment that a life without alcohol has provided you?


When we go out to restaurants and I order water with lemon.


  1. What’s your favorite alcohol-free drink?


Seltzer water.


  1. What are some of your favorite resources?


I only have one, I listen to Recovery Elevator over and over and over.


  1. What is on your bucket list in a life without alcohol?


I just want to have family functions without beer.


  1. What parting piece of guidance can you give to listeners?


Just keep listening.



You might need to ditch the booze if…


When you are having drinks out at the restaurant and you go to the bathroom and your pee is clear and you say to yourself, yes…it’s kicking in, because you know now that the beer is kicking in.


Upcoming Events and Retreats.

Recovery Elevator LIVE: Dancing with the Mind – in Colorado – June 11-14th, 2020

You can find more information about our event here.


The book, Alcohol is Sh!t, is out.  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here!


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Connect with Cafe RE– Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY for your first month free

Sobriety Tracker iTunes

Sobriety Tracker Android

Sober Selfies! – Send your Sober Selfie and your Success Story to info@recoveryelevator.com


“Recovery Elevator – It All Starts from the Inside Out.  We can do this.”




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