RE 470: Why Alcoholics Don’t Get Hangovers…?

RE 470: Why Alcoholics Don’t Get Hangovers…?

Episode 470 – Why Alcoholics Don’t Get Hangovers…?


Today we have Lara. She is 40 years old and lives in Northwest Arkansas. She took her last drink on August 8th, 2019.


We are putting a call out for early sobriety interviews. We want to hear from you guys. Please email


Upcoming events: We start our six-week Ditching the Booze course, the what, the why and the how. This course is for Café RE members only and use the promo code “OPPORTUNITY” to waive the set-up fee if you are interested in joining us.


Registration for our 6th annual retreat in Bozeman, Montana opens Monday April 1st. We come together as a group and we laugh, we heal, we eat blueberry pancakes, play kickball, and have a great time.


Better Help: – 10% off your first month. #sponsored


[04:12] Thoughts from Paul:


There was a great question during our Dry January class that asked “Why don’t alcoholics get hangovers?” Paul did a YouTube video about this but wanted to share more here.


Truth is, they do get hangovers, but they usually begin drinking before the full amount of alcohol can be metabolized in their system that they drank the day or night before. As tolerance develops with alcohol, the hangover gets pushed back later in the day the next day. A chronic drinker who drinks 10-15 drinks daily, won’t begin the hangover cycle at 8am the next morning, but more likely, they will experience the worst of the withdrawal effects later that day or evening.


Chronic drinkers are almost always experiencing a low to mid-grade hangover. In other words, they feel like shit all the time. First alcohol takes you to a place where you are no longer drinking to feel good, but to simply feel normal. They you are drinking to simply not feel like death. And then the worst place is when you are simply drinking not to die.


*HUGE ASTERISK* Alcohol is the most dangerous substance to detox from. If you have been drinking 5-8 drinks daily, for months or years, then it’s a very good idea to seek medical attention when detoxing.


Go Brewing. Use the code ELEVATOR for 15% off.


[09:26] Kris introduces Lara:


Lara is married and they have two dogs. After teaching preschool for 12-13 years she now teaches Pilates. She enjoys going to concerts and spending time outdoors.

Lara had limited exposure to alcohol until she went to college. While there, she found friends, and they drank regularly. What started out as being fun soon became a way for Lara to ignore her mental health issues that were creating a dark depression. After graduating and the issues getting worse, she ended up going to a psych ward for a few weeks and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She moved back home to live with her parents while she figured out what life was going to look like with the new diagnosis. She continued to drink in spite of the medications.


Lara went to grad school in Colorado and was surrounded by friends and the drinking felt normal. She wasn’t having major consequences until after getting married and she realized the drinking was happening all the time. Her husband ended up quitting drinking and while Lara supported him by quitting too, she didn’t feel that she had a problem.


Lara found herself reaching out to others to help support her as the spouse of someone quitting drinking. Over time she started realizing that recovery was her path as well.

Lara says that she has learned that she knows how to ask for help if she needs it now. She and her husband share a sobriety date and their life has done a 180. Alcohol is no longer an issue, and they just enjoy living life.


Lara’s favorite resource in recovery: Holly Whitaker’s book Quit Like a Woman.


Lara’s parting piece of guidance: Just find one person who you can talk to.



Recovery Elevator YouTube

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 



Recovery Elevator

You’re the only one that can do this, but you don’t have to do it alone.

I love you guys.

RE 466: What Should I Do Now?

RE 466: What Should I Do Now?

Episode 466 – What Should I Do Now?



Today we have Rick. He is 46 years old and lives in New Hampshire. He took his last drink on September 9th, 2023.


This Saturday, January 27th we start our six-week alcohol-free ukulele course. We meet for six weeks with a group of rock stars exploring life without alcohol, and who want to learn a new hobby in recovery.


This course is brought to you by Kala Brand. If you need to pick up a ukulele, click the link and use the promo code ELEVATOR24 for a discount.


The collaboration between Go Brewing and Recovery Elevator is here! Pick up your limited edition RE Sunbeam Pils, using the code elevator at checkout for 15% off and free shipping on orders overt $40.


[02:45] Ponderings from Kris:


For many of us on this journey, we start in a survival state of mind. The early days are filled with some basic life skills. How do I not drink when I get home from work? How do I handle conflict with people in my life? What do I do when I’m bored, stressed, sad, angry, or how am I supposed to celebrate? Kris reminds us that it is normal to focus on these things.


After a while there is a shift to “what’s next?”. Recovering people before us have figured out that in order to keep what we have found in recovery; we have to give it away.


We have had our struggles, and some of us have been through some really challenging situations that led up to, or as a result of our alcohol usage, but we don’t have to let that keep us down! Who is better equipped to talk to someone struggling with substance abuse than a peer that has been through the same thing?


Kris feels that there is something beautiful about taking the dark parts of our lives and using it to bring light to someone in need. You are more than your story. You are more than the dark times. You are a walking example of hope. You are proof that the courage to change exists.


Athletic Greens:


[11:07] Kris introduces Rick:


Rick is 46 and lives in New Hampshire. He has been married to his wife for 19 years and they have three daughters. He works for a family car business. He enjoys cooking, spending time with his kids, and playing games.


Rick says his first experience drinking alcohol was when he was in France on a singing tour in high school. He recalls feeling very sick on the 7-hour bus ride across Europe the next day. Beyond a few other times at parties, Rick didn’t really drink much after that until college.


Having his first taste of freedom his freshman year, the focus was on partying and drinking. Rick says that after that it was the traditional drinking that is often part of the college experience.


When Rick started working in the family business, that’s when he says his drinking went from being on the weekends to drinking daily after work. Over time it progressed, and his wife would occasionally mention that it seemed like he was having a little too much. He would back off for a bit but never had the intention of quitting forever. He tried a lot of moderation techniques that didn’t work, and he would end up feeling bad about himself.


Over the last few years Rick has been listening to podcasts, quit lit and joined sobriety support pages online. He feels that listening to other people’s stories has helped him a lot. After a comment from his wife that made him look differently at his drinking, he decided to try and quit again. Changing his perspective and sharing his recovery with his wife gave him a sense of relief. Finding connections in recovery communities and with a local friend that is in recovery as well, has solidified his resolve.


Rick’s plan for sobriety moving forward: Stay engaged in community, join Café RE chats and check in daily on the Stop Drinking subreddit. Maybe host  a chat to give back.


Rick’s favorite resources in recovery: podcasts, audiobooks




Recovery Elevator YouTube

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 



Recovery Elevator

We’re the only ones that can do this RE, but we don’t have to do it alone.

I love you guys.

How I Cured My Atheism

How I Cured My Atheism

Today’s blog entry is from Bobbie Malatesta.  Bobbie has been a member of Café RE since February 2020.  Bobbie just celebrated 4 years alcohol free and is a big source of support to her Café RE UP group!


How I Cured My Atheism

By: Bobbie Malatesta (Café RE UP)


Recently, someone shared a beautiful acronym that I wish I had earlier in my spirituality journey.  Before I get into that, please allow me to explain a little of my history in this department.


In my family, we had the Italian and Polish grandparents that were traditionally Catholic. My parents didn’t make us be Catholic except for when we went to weddings and funerals of course.  I was given the option to choose what religion I wanted to be.


At age 10, I decided to get baptized a Baptist. I was to stand in a sunken tub in the church and get dunked by the clergy and that would be that, right?  Well, not exactly.  I begged the man baptizing me to hold my nose when he dunked me.  Guess what?  He didn’t!! 


And so began my atheism.  How could I trust this God if his person couldn’t even help me with my minor little request?  Staying true to my disbelief and anger was easy as my life unfolded.  Trauma, tragedy, death after death, abandonment, and all the other bull-oney that life has to offer seemed to start and never stop in my life.  How could there possibly be a “”God” if all these bad things kept happening to me?


And so my life went. 



Once I joined 12 Step and had to memorize the Serenity Prayer, it got a bit more challenging.  Any time my GA crew wanted me to kick off the prayer, they expected me to say that “G” word but I didn’t want to talk to him.  I still didn’t believe in him.  On account of my big mouth and the fact that one of the principles in the program is that you don’t have to believe in the G word per seh, we found a compromise.  Whenever I started  the prayer, I addressed the Universe.  Eventually, some of my fellows would start with Universe too, in support of me. 


Things were going along just great until I got to Step 11. “ Sought through prayer and mediation…. conscious contact with GOD….”  Oh Sugar!  It was time to revisit this whole God concept for me. Long story short, I started going to church, meditating and doing the work so I could “graduate” Step 11.  


One of my favorite parts of doing this “work” was being in recovery communities like Café RE.  Working on Recovery Dharma, Sober travel trips with beautiful peers, learning from Patrick and appreciating the landscape of Bozeman all contributed to what is defined as spirituality to me now.  I can see God now in the essence of people, sunsets and sunrises and music.  The key is it doesn’t have to be labeled as god, universe or any other word in particular. 


 The end result was that for me, I now believed in a God, and I still choose to call her or him, Universe.  


Now, I have embraced and want to share GUS


GUS was there all along and I heard about him when I was supposed to, recently at a conference. 


GUS stands for:



Source/ Spirit


I am believer that there is no one right way for anything, including our own spirituality.  This is not meant an insult to anyone’s faith or choices, but to offer a solution to anyone who might be stuck on this premise like I was.


Either way, GUS got us, no matter what you call her/ him/ it.

Thanks for letting me share!

With Love & gratitude,



RE 463: Balance

RE 463: Balance

Episode 463 – Addicted to not Being Addicted



Today we have Zach. He is 34 years old and lives in Richmond, VA. He took his last drink on July 18th, 2023.


Our Dry January course RESTORE starts tonight, so get your register on, and join us at 8 PM EST for our first live session later this evening.


On January 27th we start our six-week alcohol-free ukelele course. This course is brought to you by Kala Brand.


Check out our sponsor Go Brewing. Use the code ELEVATOR for 15% off.


[04:14] Thoughts from Paul:


Today we are talking about change.

Research suggests that only 9% of people that make New Years resolutions complete them. Many quit well before February even starts. The main reason that these resolutions fail is our energies swing all the way to one side of the spectrum. In other words, we are out of balance.


With drinking, we find ourselves addicted to alcohol. Then the mind comes up with the idea that we need to not be addicted to alcohol, then we become addicted to the idea of not being addicted. This is equally out of balance. So that’s the word I want to plant with you today as we begin the new year is balance. On our sobriety journey, we cannot fight, or go to battle with an alcohol addiction.


So, in terms of quitting drinking and not going overboard in the theatre of war against yourself, let’s keep it simple. All you have to today is one thing, that is not pick up a drink. Are we quitting for a lifetime? God no. That would be out of balance. We are only quitting for today.


Café RE – Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee


[10:36] Paul introduces Zach:


Zach was originally from California but currently lives in Richmond, VA. He has two sons who live nearby with their mother. He is a technical writer for the federal government. He enjoys the gym and spending time outdoors.


Zach grew up in a home where alcohol wasn’t very present. He attended a small college where it wasn’t very prevalent either. He took his first drink after finishing college and was a normal drinker throughout his 20’s.

Drinking didn’t become a problem for Zach until he was laid off of a job and his mental health started suffering. He was processing things from childhood and started having panic attacks and his sleep was an issue. He started drinking to help him sleep but over time it progressed to a daily habit.


Zach says he got a wake-up call when he and his wife split up. He was able to get a few months of sobriety, but he ended up back drinking after the divorce was finalized. He had relocated for a new job and didn’t know anyone. He had too much free time to drink heavily when he wasn’t spending time with his kids.


Zach was drinking at work and ended up having a meeting with HR where he finally told someone he had a problem. While he felt relieved to share this, he still struggled to quit and eventually lost the job. After his lease was up, he moved out of state to stay with some friends that were going to help him get back on his feet.


When he relapsed while the friends were out of town, Zach ended up trying Antabuse to help him quit drinking once and for all. He attended rehab and then went to sober living. After a while he decided he needed to move back closer to his kids and was able to find a place in Richmond with the help of a friend in recovery.


Zach tried a few different recovery modalities, but AA ended up working best for him. He got a sponsor who he has spoken to every day since they met. His sponsor has helped him realize that he cannot return to drinking. Zach is starting to see the benefits of not drinking, both physically and mentally. Community has been vital to Zach and his recovery.


Zach’s favorite resources: an app called The Big Book, and the RE podcast while at the gym.


Zach’s strategy to beat a craving:  a walk and a phone call.




Recovery Elevator YouTube

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 


Recovery Elevator

It all starts from the inside out.

I love you guys.

RE 459: Let’s Smile

RE 459: Let’s Smile

Episode 459 – Let’s Smile



Today we have Spencer. He’s 44 years old from Minneapolis, MN and took his last drink on September 23rd, 2023.


Registration for RESTORE is no open!  If you want to take a break for a month, or say adios for good, this course is for you. You’re going to learn all about alcohol addiction, what it is, what it isn’t, how to beat cravings, you’ll learn about many different recovery pathways, and the best part is you won’t be doing this alone.


Exact Nature:


[02:04] Highlights from Paul:


Start your day with a smile. It doesn’t matter if the smile is fake or real. The body doesn’t know the difference and the nervous system always responds positively with a smile.


Smiling increases mood-enhancing hormones. Smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin, while decreasing stress-enhancing hormones, including cortisol, and adrenaline. It also reduces overall blood pressure.


Another reason to smile is that research shows that smiles are contagious. Most people will find a way to reciprocate in a friendly manner. Smiling is a way to be of service because it makes other people’s days better.


Spiritual teacher Thich Nhat Hanh has said “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”


Start your day with a 30 -second smile. And not for just one day or two,

but rock that smile every morning for the rest of this year and hopefully beyond. And don’t forget to keep that smile going throughout the day.


Paul shares some dad jokes to help get us started.


Better Help: – 10% off your first month. #sponsored


[08:04] Paul introduces Spencer:


Spencer grew up in Minneapolis area. He is married with two kids. He enjoys playing blues and rock on his guitar and spending time on the river with his family. Spencer has been an electrician for 23 years.


Spencer says that alcohol was a big part of his family’s life while he was growing up. Both of his parents drank, and every event was centered around alcohol. Spencer didn’t try alcohol until he was around 15. He had a friend who’s parent worked nights, so their house became a party house and drinking happened frequently.


Spencer got married young and they both drank heavily. They had a daughter together and eventually they ended up getting a divorce. At the time Spencer blamed a lot of the issues on his ex. Once she moved out Spencer had some friends move in and says the drinking became daily and he was losing jobs. He eventually started having financial issues and lost his house.


It was shortly after he started dating a woman that didn’t drink like him that he realized that drinking might be a problem for him. He didn’t really make any changes until the birth of his son when he began to try moderating and added rules around his drinking.


Things were going well for Spencer and then he got a call from his son’s mother that she was a heroin addict. He ended up having to get custody of him and knew he had to stop drinking for his son. He was able to quit for a while but gradually let drinking slip back in.


Spencer was able to quit for a few years and started recognizing how big of an issue alcohol had been for him. He knew he wanted to quit but wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to do it.


New activities have replaced drinking for Spencer. He is working on his relationships with his kids and has been talking to them about alcohol and the issues within the family. Spencer is open about his sobriety with others. He listens to a lot of podcasts about addiction and enjoys online AA meetings and has plans to do the steps. Spencer knows how important connection will be going forward.


Spencer’s parting piece of guidance: If you think you have a problem, find someone that’s sober to talk about it, listen to podcasts, get connected.



Recovery Elevator YouTube

Sobriety Tracker iTunes 


Recovery Elevator

Remember Rule 22, keep those smiles going. Lighten up.

I love you guys.